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AAVSO Alert Notice 655: Anticipated secondary eclipse of b Persei by its third star in November 2018

Posted: 2018-10-31 08:36:25
Vill bara uppmärksamma denna Alert från AAVSO:

Alert Notice 655: Anticipated secondary eclipse of b Persei by its third star in November 2018

Det står att: "Observers are asked to obtain high-resolution time-series observations of long durations in V (or the green channel from DSLR) during the eclipses as well as time-series observations of the system out of eclipse for the two weeks surrounding the expected November 21, 2018 date (Nov. 14 to Nov. 28, 2018)."

Det verkar mest lämpad för fotometriska observationer, men kanske t.o.m. för den uppmärksamma visuella observatören. Stjärnan är väldigt ljus (ca 4.5 mag) så det ska räcka med en enkel kikare eller kanske också blöta ögat.